Bush League, Apple, Bush League – Beware UserDefaults and Settings.bundle

Long story short, I wasted an hour debugging a problem with Settings Bundle.

I had saved a value as an Int in my UserDefaults, that is a rawValue for an Int-backed enum. For whatever reason, it was getting set to a value I never set.

You’re better off saving Strings as your raw values and using those strings as values in your Settings.plists. This worked fine.

I like being an iOS Developer, but sometimes I think “Trillion dollar company?” Given the way their resources rarely teach Test-Driven Development, and how some of their techs don’t focus on that aspect of the job, should we be surprised at all the little issues that arise

Development IS hard. I get that. But we rely on this stuff working. Nobody likes to debug the mothership.

Simple, Elegant Approach to parsing data with API Clients in Swift

Without going into too much detail here, I wanted to highlight an approach I’ve taken to managing parsing of data that comes back from a webservice. It leverages best practices, such as using Codable to parse JSON, but also allows for some flexibility to adapt to your backend implementation.

As they say “Adapt Early” when it comes to dealing with data that comes from outside your app, or even from a 3rd party framework.

As such, I came up with an approach that keeps a lot of business logic associated with an endpoint and less with the API client, and uses Swift generics, and associatedtype on protocols.

I have a hard time explaining this, so you can just copy-paste this into a playground and have a look for yourself:

/// What your request types need to support to work with the APIClient
public protocol APIRequest {
    var baseURL: URL { get }
    var path: String { get }
    // other properties here, such as parameters: [String: Any]
    func request(authToken: String?) -> URLRequest

// then provide a default implementation
extension APIRequest {
    func request(authToken: String?) -> URLRequest {
        let url = baseURL.appendingPathComponent(path)
        return URLRequest(url: url)

/// we can group such enums by service.  Consider LoginEndpoint, UserManagementEndpoint, etc.
enum Endpoint {
    case home

/// ... then conform separately if you need to
extension Endpoint: APIRequest {
    var baseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "http://www.google.com")!  // make sure this is a real URL for your backend.
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .home:
            return "/home"
    // etc.

typealias APIResult<T> = Result<T, APIClientError>

enum APIClientError: Error {

    case decodingError(error: Error)
    case noDataToDecode
    case httpError(error: Error)

/// A protocol for being able to transform incoming json data before converting it via Codable
/// and finally allows you to pass it, or another type completely back via the result() function.
/// You might have a struct called UsersResponse, with a property .users: [User].
/// this JSONParsing instance could have a ResultType of [User], even though
/// if's the UsersResponse type that is decoded JSON.

public protocol JSONParsing: Codable {
    associatedtype ResultType
    /// This is where you return a value as a result of the parsing.  Sometimes it could be the instance itself,
    /// or sometimes some derived property from this oftentimes intermediate data model.
    /// it's also in this method that you could do some data operations or fire off some notifications
    func result() -> ResultType
    /// if JSON returned from a webservice should be altered somehow before decoding begins
    /// if `true` the method `transform(_ responseJSON: [String: Any], from request: APIRequest?) throws -> [String: Any]` will be invoked.
    /// The return value will then be serialized to data, then deserialized via the `Codable` protocol.
    static var requiresInputTransformation: Bool { get }
    /// basically you can massage this incoming data, or if it comes in an unexpected format,
    /// you can throw an error
    static func transform(_ responseJSON: [String: Any], from request: APIRequest?) throws -> [String: Any]

// Provide some default implementation for conformance that ultimately results in it working as before
extension JSONParsing {
    public static var requiresInputTransformation: Bool { return false }
    public static func transform(_ responseJSON: [String: Any], from request: APIRequest? = nil) throws -> [String: Any] {
        return responseJSON

/// parse data that was returned from the given request. First it checks if Decoder needs transformation, and transforms it.
/// Then attempts to use the Codable support of the Decoder type, then convert that decoded value to the give result type
/// via the result(from decoded) method
func parseData<Decoder: JSONParsing>(_ data: Data?,
                                     from request: APIRequest?,
                                     decodeJSONWith decoder: Decoder.Type) -> APIResult<Decoder.ResultType> {
    do {
        var dataToDecode = data
        if decoder.requiresInputTransformation {
            // then create json from the data if possible.
            // if no data, empty dict.  otherwise make json out of it, if you can't... empty dict.
            let json: [String: Any] = (data == nil) ? [:] : try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any] ?? [:]
            // transform the payload
            let transformed = try decoder.transform(json, from: request)
            // re-serialize
            dataToDecode = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: transformed, options: [.prettyPrinted])
        if let jsonData = dataToDecode {
            let decoded = try JSONDecoder().decode(decoder, from: jsonData)
            return .success(decoded.result())
        } else {
            throw APIClientError.noDataToDecode
    } catch let e as APIClientError {
        return .failure(e)
    } catch {
        return .failure(.decodingError(error: error))

// Example Implementation

struct NamesResponse: JSONParsing {
    typealias ResultType = [String]  // in most cases your conformance requires you to declare a return type, then implement result()
    let names: [String]
    func result() -> ResultType {
        return names

func print<T>(result: APIResult<T>) {
    switch result {
    case .success(let name):
        print("✅: \(name)")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("❌: \(String(describing: error))")

let response = NamesResponse(names: ["Dave", "Steve"])
let responseData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(response)
let request = Endpoint.home
let result = parseData(responseData, from: request, decodeJSONWith: NamesResponse.self)
print(result: result)


I’m not certain many people read this blog, and that’s fine too; I put this here for my memory’s sake. 😉 Hit me up if you have questions.

WatchKit: A Coordinator pattern for Page-based Navigation

So, I’m very late to the watchOS party. I’m just now getting my hands dirty with this platform, and am having a lot of fun with it! It’s always great to be able to develop with a new piece of hardware while already knowing the fundamentals of doing so.

WatchOS isn’t that much different than iOS. You can tell they used this platform to promote SwiftUI; the scope of an app is small, and that includes the UI. I’m currently still using Storyboards and WatchKit, but you can tell how a lot of the WKInterfaceObjects have their analogue more in SwiftUI than in UIKit.

While getting accustomed to the platform, the first few apps I’ve knocked together favour the page-based navigation style. The thing about this is there’s no real controller for these pages, and not every use case will make Storyboard-based segue navigation possible. For example, you can’t have a next page segue from InterfaceController A to InterfaceController B, then from B back to A. At compile time it finds the circular reference.

No, basically all you have for managing which page is displayed are these two methods:

WKInterfaceController.reloadRootPageControllers(withNames names: [String], 
                            contexts: [Any]?, 
                         orientation: WKPageOrientation, 
                           pageIndex: Int)

and the instance method:


So that doesn’t really allow us to do much. Usually an app that displays pages displays them because they share something in common, so they probably have some common purpose. Enter the Coordinator.

Enter the Coordinator

The idea I applied here which is working brilliantly is the idea of a Coordinator pattern. The Coordinator is responsible for creating a “Scene”, and managing which WKInterfaceControllers will be in that scene. The nice thing here is your app can have many coordinators based on the current context the app is in.

For example, say I create a WatchApplicationController object, and organize it like this:

import WatchKit

class ExtensionDelegate: NSObject, WKExtensionDelegate {

    let applicationController = WatchApplicationController()
    func applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
        applicationController.interfaceMode = .roundOnCourse
    // ... rest of implementation

Then let’s look at that class. (To give some more context, in this case my WatchApplicationController is for a watch app that is related to going golfing. Typically you either go practice at the driving range, or you go play a round of golf on a course.)

import WatchKit

class WatchApplicationController: NSObject {

    enum InterfaceContext: String {
        case modeSelect
        case drivingRange
        case roundOnCourse
    var interfaceMode: InterfaceContext = .modeSelect {
        didSet {
            reloadUI(mode: self.interfaceMode)
    var rangeSessionCoordinator: RangeSessionCoordinator?
    var golfRoundCoordinator: GolfRoundCoordinator?
    func reloadUI(mode: InterfaceContext) {
        switch mode {
        case .modeSelect:
        case .drivingRange:
            if rangeSessionCoordinator == nil {
                rangeSessionCoordinator = RangeSessionCoordinator()
        case .roundOnCourse:
            if golfRoundCoordinator == nil {
                let round = GolfRound.forTesting(numGolfers: 4)
                golfRoundCoordinator = GolfRoundCoordinator(golfRound: round)

(Note here I haven’t yet included the aspect of the app that deals with the WatchConnectivity framework and passing data back and forth between the Watch and the iPhone, but you can tell that this class is likely going to be where those incoming messages from the phone will be handled.)

You can see that currently the app has 3 different “Scenes” (or Contexts) I want to show the user, based on the various features of the app. Ultimately, all these Coordinators are doing are owning a call to the method listed above WKInterfaceController.reloadRootPageControllers(...)

In the end, the basis for all my page-based navigation work with the following baseclasses, subclassed as required, likely to inject data models, and add methods to the coordinator as required for the UI. So here we go:

The Code Recipe: Your Copy-Paste job


import Foundation
import WatchKit

extension Notification.Name {
    static let becomeCurrentPageRequest = Notification.Name(rawValue: "becomeCurrentPageRequest")  // the object is a String that matches the controller's identifier

protocol Coordinated {
    var coordinator: Coordinator? { get }
    // a unique identifier for addressing objects via notifications.
    var coordinationId: String { get }
    var pageIndex: Int { get }
    var totalPages: Int { get }

struct PageTransition {
    enum Kind {
        /// Just transition to the destination
        case show
        /// transition to the destination, stay there for `duration`, then return to the source
        case flashTarget(duration: TimeInterval)
    let kind: Kind
    let sourceCoordinationId: String
    let destinationCoordinationId: String

struct CoordinatedConfig {
    let coordinator: Coordinator?
    let controllerIdentifier: String // this is given in the storyboard
    let instanceId: String
    let pageIndex: Int
    let totalPages: Int
    let context: Any?  // i.e. a data model that you'll have to cast.

class Coordinator {
    // their order in the array denotes their page index.  You should set these in your init
    var pageInstanceIDs: [String] = []
    // these are set when a Coordinated InterfaceController didAppear()
    private(set) var currentPageIndex = 0
    private(set) var currentCoordinatedId = ""
    // if become current page requests don't respond timely, we reload the scene from a specific page.
    private var transitionNotificationTimeout: Timer?
    init() {
    func showMainScene(startingPageIndex: Int = 0) {
        print("You should subclass this method in your specific coordinator.  Typically you'll create a CoordinatedConfig as your contexts, and make sure the controller identifiers correspond to controllers that conform to Coordinated")
    func move(with pageTransition: PageTransition) {
        switch pageTransition.kind {
        case .show:

            transition(to: pageTransition.destinationCoordinationId)
        case .flashTarget(let duration):

            transition(to: pageTransition.destinationCoordinationId)
            Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: duration,
                                 repeats: false) { [unowned self] (_) in

                self.transition(to: pageTransition.sourceCoordinationId)

    private func transition(to destinationId: String) {
        guard let pageIndex = self.pageInstanceIDs.firstIndex(of: destinationId) else {
            print("ERROR: You wanted to transition to a page that isn't managed by this coordinator!")
        // should be long enough to let Notification work, but short enough to still
        // keep the UI looking good.
        let timeout = TimeInterval(0.5)
        transitionNotificationTimeout = Timer.scheduledTimer(
            withTimeInterval: timeout,
            repeats: false,
            block: {
                [weak self] (_) in
                print("Desired Destination page was not awake.  Reloading Scene to desired page.")
                self?.showMainScene(startingPageIndex: pageIndex)
        // NOTE: If the intended controller has not been awoken, then this notification will not work.
        // we therefore have a backup, the transitionNotificationTimeout that will reload the scene to the intended page
        // we lose animation, but at least it will still work.  Also can play with the time inter
        NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .becomeCurrentPageRequest,
                                        object: destinationId)
    func notifyCurrentPage(_ pageNumber: Int, _ controllerCoordinatedId: String) {
        self.currentPageIndex = pageNumber
        self.currentCoordinatedId = controllerCoordinatedId

And then the base class InterfaceController.swift

import WatchKit
import Foundation

class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController, Coordinated {

    // NOTE: You need to name your identifier in the Storyboard the same thing!
    static var identifier: String {
        let id = String(describing: self)
        return id
    // Coordinated
    var coordinator: Coordinator?
    var coordinationId: String = "Not Coordinated"
    var pageIndex: Int = 0
    var totalPages: Int = 1
    override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
        guard let config = context as? CoordinatedConfig else {
            print("WARNING: Possibly hooked it up wrong.  If it was nil, it's likely because this is the initial view controller.  Consider changing that to a splash screen.")
            self.coordinator = nil
        guard config.controllerIdentifier == Self.identifier else {
            fatalError("This controller received a config that is not intended for it.  The controller identifiers don't match.")
        self.coordinator = config.coordinator
        self.coordinationId = config.instanceId
        self.pageIndex = config.pageIndex
        self.totalPages = config.totalPages
        print("Woke with context, page \(self.pageIndex)")
    private func registerForBecomeCurrentPageNotifications() {
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(handleNotification(_:)), name: .becomeCurrentPageRequest, object: nil)
    override func willActivate() {
    override func didAppear() {
        self.coordinator?.notifyCurrentPage(self.pageIndex, self.coordinationId)
    override func didDeactivate() {
        // This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible
    private func handleNotification(_ note: Notification) {
        if note.name == .becomeCurrentPageRequest {
            if let controllerCoordinationId = note.object as? String {
                if self.coordinationId == controllerCoordinationId {

And with these 2 very useful implementations, I’m very pleased with what I can create, and it shows that it is possible to have a little more programmatic control over page-based navigation, especially if you want to animate moving to the next page and/or back again.

You should look at how CoordinatedConfig gets passed around and how it is a pretty crucial aspect of the Coordinator. It ultimately is what keeps a reference to your data.

In Practice: An Example Subclass

It might also be worth showing just how one sets up their scene. For example, I have 3 screens involved in my visit to the driving range: One to specify which club I am using, another screen to give feedback on each shot I take, and a third that can show some quick stats about my driving range session so far. This is how I set up that Coordinator:

import Foundation
import WatchKit

class RangeSessionCoordinator: Coordinator {
    var statsPageIndex: Int = 2  // TODO: Set this when you are loading the scene
    var shotPageIndex: Int = 1 // TODO: Do this differently.  This is placeholder.
    let rangeSession: DrivingRangeSession
    var pages: [CoordinatedConfig]!
    init(rangeSession: DrivingRangeSession = DrivingRangeSession()) {
        let controllerNames = [
        self.rangeSession = rangeSession
        var configs: [CoordinatedConfig] = []
        for (index, controllerIdentifier) in controllerNames.enumerated() {
            let config = CoordinatedConfig(coordinator: self,
                                           controllerIdentifier: controllerIdentifier,
                                           instanceId: UUID().uuidString,
                                           pageIndex: index,
                                           totalPages: controllerNames.count,
                                           context: rangeSession)
        self.pages = configs
        self.pageInstanceIDs = configs.map { $0.instanceId }
        self.statsPageIndex = self.pageIndex(of: RangeSessionStatsController.identifier)
        self.shotPageIndex = self.pageIndex(of: RangeSessionShotController.identifier)
    // will return 0 if cannot be found.
    private func pageIndex(of controllerId: String) -> Int {
        guard let index = self.pages.firstIndex(where: { (config) -> Bool in
            return config.controllerIdentifier == controllerId
        }) else {
            return 0
        return index
    override func showMainScene(startingPageIndex: Int = 0) {
        // don't need to call super
            withNames: self.pages.map { $0.controllerIdentifier },
            contexts: self.pages,
            orientation: .horizontal,
            pageIndex: self.pageIndex(of: RangeSessionShotController.identifier)
    func flashStatsPage(returnId: String) {
        let statsId = self.pageInstanceIDs[statsPageIndex]
        let transition = PageTransition(kind: .flashTarget(duration: 2),
                                        sourceCoordinationId: returnId,
                                        destinationCoordinationId: statsId)
        self.move(with: transition)
    func moveToShotController() {
        let shotsId = self.pageInstanceIDs[shotPageIndex]
        let transition = PageTransition(kind: .show,
                                        sourceCoordinationId: shotsId,
                                        destinationCoordinationId: shotsId)
        self.move(with: transition)

So there you have it! I’m quite happy with this approach and can see it playing a role in future WatchOS apps. Please write me if you have comments, questions, feedback!

SwiftUI: iPad-style Popovers on iPhone

One aspect of iOS development that always struck me as funny is how Apple’s default of Popover is different on iPad and iPhone. Basically on iPhone the standard popover is shown like an Action Sheet.

But there are certainly times where you want a popover on iPhone, like a simple delete confirmation, for example. You tap on a trash can icon, and you’d like a quick and tiny confirmation button to appear in context without the jarring experience of the entire screen being taken over by an action sheet. Or even the bottom 1/4 of the screen, especially when that button was on the navigation bar at the top right.

There are plenty of solutions to this in UIKit, but sadly none (yet) with SwiftUI. The .popover view modifier decides for you whether it will be a sheet or a popover, so basically here’s another example of SwiftUI being powerful but not yet fully filled out in terms of components available to us.

Full disclosure: I feel inclined to write a bit of a blog post about this, even though all I or anyone cares about is a solution to the problem. So here we go. I admit I didn’t write this, and so want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Chase Wasden, located here. I’ve taken his gist located here, then modified it to support being able to specify where you’d like your arrows to be, and here it is below:

//  WithPopover.swift
//  PopoverSwiftUI

// THANK YOU to this wonderful human:  https://gist.github.com/ccwasden/02cbe25b94eb6e844b43442427127e09

import SwiftUI

// -- Usage
struct Content: View {
    @State var open = false
    @State var popoverSize = CGSize(width: 300, height: 300)
    var body: some View {
            showPopover: $open,
            arrowDirections: [.down],
            popoverSize: popoverSize,
            content: {
                // The view you want to anchor your popover to.
                Button(action: { self.open.toggle() }) {
                    Text("Tap me")
            popoverContent: {
                VStack {
                    Button(action: { self.popoverSize = CGSize(width: 300, height: 600)}) {
                        Text("Increase size")
                    Button(action: { self.open = false}) {

// -- Source

struct WithPopover<Content: View, PopoverContent: View>: View {
    @Binding var showPopover: Bool
    var popoverSize: CGSize? = nil
    var arrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirection = [.down]
    let content: () -> Content
    let popoverContent: () -> PopoverContent
    var body: some View {
                Wrapper(showPopover: $showPopover, arrowDirections: arrowDirections, popoverSize: popoverSize, popoverContent: popoverContent)
                    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
    struct Wrapper<PopoverContent: View> : UIViewControllerRepresentable {
        @Binding var showPopover: Bool
        var arrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirection
        let popoverSize: CGSize?
        let popoverContent: () -> PopoverContent
        func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<Wrapper<PopoverContent>>) -> WrapperViewController<PopoverContent> {
            return WrapperViewController(
                popoverSize: popoverSize,
                permittedArrowDirections: arrowDirections,
                popoverContent: popoverContent) {
                self.showPopover = false
        func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: WrapperViewController<PopoverContent>,
                                    context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<Wrapper<PopoverContent>>) {
            if showPopover {
            else {
    class WrapperViewController<PopoverContent: View>: UIViewController, UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegate {
        var popoverSize: CGSize?
        let permittedArrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirection
        let popoverContent: () -> PopoverContent
        let onDismiss: () -> Void
        var popoverVC: UIViewController?
        required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("") }
        init(popoverSize: CGSize?,
             permittedArrowDirections: UIPopoverArrowDirection,
             popoverContent: @escaping () -> PopoverContent,
             onDismiss: @escaping() -> Void) {
            self.popoverSize = popoverSize
            self.permittedArrowDirections = permittedArrowDirections
            self.popoverContent = popoverContent
            self.onDismiss = onDismiss
            super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
        override func viewDidLoad() {
        func adaptivePresentationStyle(for controller: UIPresentationController) -> UIModalPresentationStyle {
            return .none // this is what forces popovers on iPhone
        func showPopover() {
            guard popoverVC == nil else { return }
            let vc = UIHostingController(rootView: popoverContent())
            if let size = popoverSize { vc.preferredContentSize = size }
            vc.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.popover
            if let popover = vc.popoverPresentationController {
                popover.sourceView = view
                popover.permittedArrowDirections = self.permittedArrowDirections
                popover.delegate = self
            popoverVC = vc
            self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
        func hidePopover() {
            guard let vc = popoverVC, !vc.isBeingDismissed else { return }
            vc.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
            popoverVC = nil
        func presentationControllerWillDismiss(_ presentationController: UIPresentationController) {
            popoverVC = nil
        func updateSize(_ size: CGSize?) {
            self.popoverSize = size
            if let vc = popoverVC, let size = size {
                vc.preferredContentSize = size

This is also an excellent example for learning how to make UIKit and SwiftUI play with each other.

SwiftUI: Animating Panel Content

I’m finally getting my hands dirty with SwiftUI and generally find it more motivating to build components that I actually need. So I thought perhaps that it’s time I re-write my Songbook Simple and Recipebox Simple apps to leverage all the experience I’ve gained with Swift, Design Patterns, Test-driven development, and to see how I might build the app in SwiftUI.

Most of Songbook’s UI is pretty simple and straightforward, with one exception: the Main Container UI. Basically Songbook has 3 principal UI components: The Song / Content View (rendering text or images), a Menu panel that slides in/out, and a toolbar that can show/hide.

I basically took this blog post, married it with this other blog post by the same author, to get an understanding of how to make a side panel that animates in and out, then take this approach and see if it can work in 2 dimensions. It wasn’t as straightforward to do the bottom panel, but it did teach me about the importance of GeometryReader and gave me some insights as to how SwiftUI handles state changes, and how to build a view hierarchy that takes that into consideration.

I am grateful to be able to stand on someone else’s shoulders to get me far enough along, after which I synthesized the rest from the knowledge gained. So I’ll just jump to how I got to the result.

It ultimately yielded these components:

//  ControlsOverlayView.swift
//  BookItemsSuite
//  Created by Stephen O'Connor on 11.03.21.

import SwiftUI

struct ControlsOverlayView<ToolbarContent: View, MenuContent: View>: View {
    let menuWidth: CGFloat
    let isMenuActive: Bool
    let onMenuHide: () -> Void
    let menuContent: MenuContent
    let toolbarHeight: CGFloat
    let isToolbarActive: Bool
    let onToolbarHide: () -> Void
    let toolbarContent: ToolbarContent
    init(menuWidth: CGFloat = 270,
         isMenuActive: Bool = true,
         onMenuHide: @escaping () -> Void,
         toolbarHeight: CGFloat = 44,
         isToolbarActive: Bool = true,
         onToolbarHide: @escaping () -> Void,
         @ViewBuilder menuContent: () -> MenuContent,
         @ViewBuilder toolbarContent: () -> ToolbarContent) {
        self.menuWidth = menuWidth
        self.isMenuActive = isMenuActive
        self.onMenuHide = onMenuHide
        self.menuContent = menuContent()
        self.toolbarHeight = toolbarHeight
        self.isToolbarActive = isToolbarActive
        self.onToolbarHide = onToolbarHide
        self.toolbarContent = toolbarContent()
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            GeometryReader { _ in
            .opacity(self.isMenuActive ? 1.0 : 0.0)
            .onTapGesture {
            GeometryReader { geometry in
                VStack {
                    let toolbarHeight = isToolbarActive ? self.toolbarHeight : 0
                    HStack {
                        let space: CGFloat = 0.0 //geometry.size.width - self.menuWidth
                        let offset = self.isMenuActive ? space : space + self.menuWidth
                            .frame(width: self.menuWidth, height: geometry.size.height - toolbarHeight, alignment: .center)
                            .offset(x: offset)
                    .frame(width: geometry.size.width,
                           height: geometry.size.height - toolbarHeight,
                           alignment: .center)
                    let offset = self.isToolbarActive ? 0 : self.toolbarHeight/2
                        .frame(width: geometry.size.width,
                               height: self.toolbarHeight,
                               alignment: .center)
                        .offset(y: offset)

struct ControlsOverlayView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        ControlsOverlayView(menuWidth: 270,
                            isMenuActive: true,
                            onMenuHide: {},
                            toolbarHeight: 44,
                            isToolbarActive: true,
                            onToolbarHide: {}) {
            Text("Menu Content")
        } toolbarContent: {
            Text("Toolbar Content")

Which is then a part of the ApplicationView (in UIKit terms, this would equate to a root view controller):

//  ApplicationView.swift
//  SidePanelSandbox
//  Created by Stephen O'Connor on 10.03.21.

import SwiftUI

struct ApplicationView<MainContent: View, MenuContent: View, ToolbarContent: View>: View {
    @State var isMenuActive: Bool = true
    @State var isToolbarActive: Bool = false
    var menuWidth: CGFloat = 270
    let mainContent: MainContent
    let menuContent: MenuContent
    let toolbarContent: ToolbarContent
    init(@ViewBuilder mainContent: () -> MainContent,
                      menuContent: () -> MenuContent,
                      toolbarContent: () -> ToolbarContent) {
        self.mainContent = mainContent()
        self.menuContent = menuContent()
        self.toolbarContent = toolbarContent()
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            GeometryReader { geometry in
                    .frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: geometry.size.height, alignment: .center)
            if !self.isMenuActive {
                GeometryReader { _ in
                    VStack {
                        Button(action: {
                        }, label: {
                        Button(action: {
                        }, label: {
            ControlsOverlayView(menuWidth: 270, isMenuActive: isMenuActive, onMenuHide: {
                print("did hide menu")
            }, toolbarHeight: 44, isToolbarActive: isToolbarActive, onToolbarHide: {
                print("did hide toolbar")
            }, menuContent: {
            }, toolbarContent: {
    func toggleMenu() {
        if self.isMenuActive {
            // if we're about to close the menu, close the toolbar too.
            $isToolbarActive.wrappedValue = false
    func toggleToolbar() {

struct ApplicationView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        ApplicationView {
            Text("Main Content")
        } menuContent: {
            Text("Menu Content")
        } toolbarContent: {
            Text("Toolbar Content")

And that’s essentially how it works. I was and still am a little confused as to why the ControlsOverlayView is rendering as expected, given the way I offset the toolbar, but all in all I think this approach is pretty clean and I’m happy with it.

[Recipe] Get the current iOS Simulator App’s location on disk

I’m currently doing SwiftUI tutorials, and found this useful command for Terminal. When your app is running in a simulator (make sure you only have 1 simulator window open!) and you want to get close to its Documents folder on disk, put this in a terminal:

xcrun simctl get_app_container booted <my_bundle_identifier_without_brackets>

And this will take you to the folder containing the AppName.app file. From there you’ll want to go up a few folders back to Container level, and then go into the Data folder, and ultimately find your app’s identifying folder. (Hint: Look at the Date Modified field… it will likely indicate which folder corresponds to your app)

I enjoyed this post because I used to accomplish this goal but not as elegantly (and quickly, I suppose) has here. I wrote it here to be able to refer to it again someday.

Swift Error Handling

I often write blog posts for my own sake, but publish them in the event that others may find the information useful.
Today, I wanted to post a quick reference to Error handling in Swift and the syntax for casting and binding an error that is caught in a do-catch statement. I’m finding quite often what you’ll find on the internet is you can catch certain error types, but they don’t assign it to a variable, for example if you want to wrap that error into another Error type that makes your API more contstrained in terms of what kind of errors you should expect to handle in your UI.
For example, it’s not unusual for me to have an error type like this:

public enum SyncError: Error {
    /// if for example the pre-conditions for Cloud Sync to work are not met, this could be the result.
    /// actual use cases would be for example if you're not signed into iCloud.
    case initializationFailed(details: String)
    /// if you are performing an operation that expects there to be no file at a specific location but there is.
    case fileAlreadyExists(filename: String)
    /// if you try to upload a file with no data, or the file doesn't exist in remote
    case noContent(filename: String)
    /// wraps an error thrown from FileManager APIs
    case fileManager(error: Error)
    /// Just for situations that are unlikely to happen.
    case unexpected(details: String)

So there are times where you want to perform a do-catch but then catch certain error types and re-package them before finishing up. In this case below, it’s some body of a method that has to call a completion block on a completion queue with this signature:

(_ success: Bool, _ errors: [SyncError]?) -> Void
do {

} catch let e as SyncError {
    // you see on the line above how you cast and assign the SyncError to a value
    completionQueue.async {
       completion(false, [e])
} catch let e {
    completionQueue.async {
       completion(false, [SyncError.fileManager(error: e)])

And that’s it! I only wrote this here because I didn’t want to google around again should I forget that syntax.

Recipe: Transform the JSON that your API Client decodes

I’m currently having a not-so-fun fight with the Firebase REST API while trying to bypass using the Firebase iOS SDK in a demo project whose purpose it is to not use Firebase, per se, but to implement a REST API Client on iOS. People say “Use Firebase” as it’s easy to get up and running. VERY debatable here. It does however highlight one aspect of my profession that almost seems to be a general rule:

“Mobile devs almost inevitably have to spend a lot of time figuring out why the backend never works as advertised.”

It’s been extremely rare in my career to be given an Backend API spec that can be implemented without any headaches, but I’ll save that for another post as to how best to tackle that. (In fact I did write the beginnings of such a post, many years ago).

Anyway, it seems that the firebase backend doesn’t return arrays of dictionaries. It just returns dictionaries. So if you request a collection, you’ll get a dictionary with a key count equal to the collection size.

This is a problem if you just want to parse an array of objects, because there is no array. And if you are not a backend developer like me, you just have to work with what you are given.

Here’s a use case coming from Firebase. I requested /users.json and got:

    "SomeRandomFakeUserId2": {
        "name": "Stephen the Admin"
    "SomeRandomFakeUserId3": {
        "name": "Stephen the Tester"

But ideally this would be an array of dictionaries with the key above embedded in the dictionary, like so:

        "objectId": "SomeRandomFakeUserId2",
        "name": "Stephen the Admin"
        "objectId": "SomeRandomFakeUserId3",
        "name": "Stephen the Tester"

But ideally I would like to keep my paradigm that generally works on my APIClient, which generally works like:

    enum APIResult<T> {
        case success(T)
        case error(Error)
    public func sendThenDecodeJSON<T: Codable>(_ request: URLRequest,
                                               completion: @escaping (APIResult<T>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? {
        // session: URLSession
        let task = session.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in
            do {
                // Omitted:  Handle errors, etc.
                // You see here, all I have to do is create a struct for my responses, based on the JSON spec on the server, and I'm good.  Except... How do I use the Codable approach to json if I don't know what the key names will be?
                let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
            } catch let error {
                // Omitted for brevity: DO BETTER ERROR HANDLING HERE
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
        return task

So what can be done here? I want to make my system flexible, but with a minimum of additional configuration. I know that on my endpoints, my existing solution gets the job done, but on a few, it doesn’t.

So I came up with the PayloadTransformable protocol:

protocol PayloadTransformable: Codable {
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { get }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any]

// Provide some default implementation for conformance that ultimately results in it working as before
extension PayloadTransformable {
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { return false }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any] {
        return input

And then you have some data models, and just have to implement that:

struct Object: Codable {
    let objectId: String
    let name: String

struct ObjectsResponse: PayloadTransformable {
    let objects: [Object]
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { return true }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any] {
        var objectArray = [[String: Any]]()
        for key in input.keys {
            var newObject = [String: Any]()
            newObject["objectId"] = key
            guard let values = input[key] as? [String: Any] else {
                return input
            for (key, value) in values {
                newObject[key] = value
        return ["objects": objectArray]

And then you modify how the APIClient handles the incoming data:

public func sendThenDecodeJSON<T: PayloadTransformable>(_ request: URLRequest,
                                               completion: @escaping (APIResult<T>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? {

        let task = session.dataTask(with: request) { (data, response, error) in

            do {
                // Omitted:  Handle errors, etc.

                var jsonData = data
                // Due to the default implementation listed in the Protocol extension, in general you have to do nothing in order to adopt this, other than make your relevant Codable types conform to PayloadTransformable (a quick find and replace)
                if T.requiresTransformation {
                    guard let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] else {
                        fatalError()  // you'd throw an error here
                    let transformed = T.transform(json)
                    jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: transformed, options: [.prettyPrinted])
                let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: jsonData)

                // we are using a delegateQueue on URLSession, so we want to complete on the main thread
                DispatchQueue.main.async {

            } catch let error {

                // Omitted for brevity: DO BETTER ERROR HANDLING HERE>

                // we are using a delegateQueue on URLSession, so we want to complete on the main thread
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
        return task

And that’s it.

You could copy-paste this into a Playground and check it out:

protocol PayloadTransformable: Codable {
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { get }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any]

// Provide some default implementation for conformance that ultimately results in it working as before
extension PayloadTransformable {
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { return false }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any] {
        return input
struct Object: Codable {
    let objectId: String
    let name: String

struct ObjectsResponse: PayloadTransformable {
    let objects: [Object]
    static var requiresTransformation: Bool { return true }
    static func transform(_ input: [String: Any]) -> [String: Any] {  
        var objectArray = [[String: Any]]()
        for key in input.keys {
            var newObject = [String: Any]()
            newObject["objectId"] = key
            guard let values = input[key] as? [String: Any] else {
                return input
            for (key, value) in values {
                newObject[key] = value
        return ["objects": objectArray]
func simulatedResponseHandler<T: PayloadTransformable>(_ data: Data) -> T {
        do {   
            var jsonData = data
            if T.requiresTransformation {
                guard let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] else {
                let transformed = T.transform(json)
                jsonData = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: transformed, options: [.prettyPrinted])
            let object = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: jsonData)
            return object
        } catch let e {

// All that was definitions.  Now the code you execute:

do {
    let untransformed =  [
        "SomeID" : ["name": "SomeName"],
        "SomeOtherID" : ["name": "SomeOtherName"]
    let transformed = ["objects": [
        ["objectId": "SomeID", "name": "SomeName"],
        ["objectId": "SomeOtherID", "name": "SomeOtherName"],

    let jsonInput = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: untransformed, options: [.prettyPrinted])

    let response: ObjectsResponse = simulatedResponseHandler(jsonInput)
    print(String(describing: response))
} catch let e {

UILabel when inactive, UISlider when active

I’m working on a new app and I’m trying to keep the interface minimal in terms of screen elements.  Also, design-wise I’m a huge fan of finding ways to only use space *when* you need it, and finding novel ways to conceal elements that you don’t need (when you don’t need them).  On the flipside, one should also be conscious of hiding too much, thus alienating some users who don’t immediately have a good sense for such things.  That addresses the need for good onboarding but that’s a longer discussion.

So I thought, (the new app is a music player), “it’s not often you need to seek to a certain time in the song, so why does this element get to take up so much space?”

Since my app’s UX generally involves interacting with labels, I thought it would be interesting to hide a slider behind a label, but when you interact with it, it’s the underlying control that becomes active.

I think I should just show the code.  The key is in how one overrides the method -hitTest:withEvent:  Because of that, this solution is very flexible in terms of what kind of UISlider you use, and what kind of UILabel you use.  It’s the technique worth noting because it could have a few applications.

Shoot me a message if you don’t quite understand why this does what it does, or why a different approach might / might not work for you.

(Oh yeah, the assumption is that the subviews are pinned to their parent’s edges… i.e. same frame.size)

/  LabelScrubber.swift
//  LabelScrubber
//  Created by Stephen O'Connor on 03.11.20.
//  Copyright © 2020 HomeTeam Software. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class LabelScrubber: UIView {

    let showDelayShort = 0.7
    let showDelayLong = 1.2
    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var slider: UISlider!
    var labelTimer: Timer?
    /// this gets called on a touch down, so in other words, at the beginning of an interaction
    /// but you tell it which view you want to be 'the view' for the interaction.
    /// super cool; so you can override and say it's the slider that matters
    /// and thus you'll interact with that.
    /// nice though that we can make preparations before that interaction,
    /// like snapping the slider to where your touch is!
    override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
        if self.bounds.contains(point) {
            self.slider.isHidden = false
            self.label.isHidden = true
            let percentX = point.x / self.bounds.size.width
            let targetValue = self.slider.minimumValue + Float(percentX) * (self.slider.maximumValue - self.slider.minimumValue)
            self.slider.setValue(targetValue, animated: true)
            showLabel(after: showDelayLong)
            return self.slider
        return super.hitTest(point, with: event)
    override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
        return label.intrinsicContentSize
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)
    override func awakeFromNib() {
    private func commonInit() {
        self.label.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
        self.label.isHidden = false
        self.slider.isHidden = true
        self.slider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(tracking(_:)), for: .touchDown)
        self.slider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(tracking(_:)), for: .valueChanged)
        self.slider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(finishedTracking(_:)), for: .touchUpInside)
        self.slider.addTarget(self, action: #selector(finishedTracking(_:)), for: .touchUpOutside)
    func finishedTracking(_ slider: UISlider) {
        showLabel(after: showDelayShort)
    func tracking(_ slider: UISlider) {
    private func showLabel(after delay: TimeInterval) {
        labelTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: delay,
                                          repeats: false,
            { [weak self] (_) in
    func invalidateShowTimer() {
    func returnToDefaultState(duration: TimeInterval = 0.3) {

        self.slider?.alpha = 1.0
        UIView.animate(withDuration: duration,
                       animations: {
                        //self.label?.alpha = 1.0
                        self.slider?.alpha = 0.0
        }) { [weak self] (_) in
            self?.label?.isHidden = false
            self?.slider?.isHidden = true
            self?.slider?.alpha = 1.0

Hacking MPMediaQuery for better album shuffling

So I’m working on a Music app.  I’m a little frustrated with Apple’s assumption that we all have massive iCloud limits and/or live in a country with great mobile reception.  I live in Germany and as soon as you leave the cities, your mobile reception gets really sketchy unless you are a subscriber of the state “monopoly” Deutsche Telekom.  German bureaucracy dictates that anything with “Deutsche” in the business name will be grossly overpriced and half as effective, while customer service being usually horrible.

This is a post about programming!  😀  So yeah, I’m working on an app that’s to be a lot like the original Music app on the iPod touch: Just show me the songs I have on this device, and make it easy for me to navigate around.

One thing that became apparent was MPMusicPlayerController‘s inability to pick random albums.  It can pick random songs, but not random albums and then play the album.  It can first shuffle through the songs in an album before moving on to another album, but really?  Why would I insult an artist by listening to their album in the wrong order?  Can you imagine listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon with the tracks shuffled?  Makes no sense, except perhaps a Greatest Hits album…

So I thought “why don’t I just hack with the MPMediaQuery class?  And I found a solution that works.  At least if you aren’t using this query for UITableView and populating all that, as you’d require itemSections, and collectionSections, etc.

So, without going into too much more detail, if you have already got a bit of experience with using the MediaPlayer framework on iOS, you’ll know that it’s a little quirky, as most of the audio folks tend to be over at Apple / everywhere (former Audio Designer here)…

import UIKit
import MediaPlayer

class MPHackMediaQuery: MPMediaQuery {

    private var modifiedItems: [MPMediaItem]?
    private var modifiedCollections: [MPMediaItemCollection]?
    init(with query: MPMediaQuery) {
        super.init(filterPredicates: query.filterPredicates)
        self.groupingType = query.groupingType
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)
    override var items: [MPMediaItem]? {
        if modifiedCollections == nil {
            if let collections = super.collections {
                modifiedCollections = self.randomize(collections)
        if modifiedItems == nil {
            if let collections = self.modifiedCollections {
                var items = [MPMediaItem]()
                for collection in collections {
                    items.append(contentsOf: collection.items)
                modifiedItems = items
            } else {
                return nil
        return modifiedItems
    override var collections: [MPMediaItemCollection]? {
        if modifiedCollections == nil {
            if let collections = super.collections {
                modifiedCollections = self.randomize(collections)
        return modifiedCollections
    private func randomize(_ collections: [MPMediaItemCollection]) -> [MPMediaItemCollection] {
        var indices: [Int] = []
        for i in 0.. 0
        return shuffledCollections

So as you can see, you can set a queue on your MPMusicPlayerController using a MPMediaQuery and this will work… IF you set your controller’s shuffleMode to .off, which makes sense because we aren’t shuffling the songs of the album, we just “pre-shuffled” the order in which the albums are chosen.